M R N Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital

M R N Ayurvedic Medical College of M R N Group of Medical Institution is one of the premier Institution of Ayurveda in the Karnataka, with a view of giving knowledge of Ayurveda to the rural and urban part of Karnataka. It was established in 2020. It is affiliated Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka, Bangalore and intake capacity of student is from 60, and college & hospital are recognized by Central Council of Indian Medicine(CCIM) & Department of AYUSH, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, New Delhi.

About Ayurveda

Sri Dhanavantri Mantra - ``Obeisances unto the Supreme Bhagavan known as Sudarshana Vasudev Dhanvantari, the holder of the Kalasha full of nectar of immortality, who removes all fears, who removes all diseases, the well wisher of the three worlds, and sustainer of the three worlds, He is Vishnu swarup, by the name Dhanvantari empowered to heal the Jiva souls.``


``The origins of the ancient healing science known as Ayurveda are lost in cosmic antiquity. According to the ancient text Caraka-samhita, this ``Science of Life and Longevity`` is eternal and is revealed in each universe in each of its infinite cycles of creation and destruction. This extremely rare appearance of God is recorded in the Vedic literature of ancient India.``

Education in Ayurveda has a rich tradition. It was taught in the universities of Takshila and Nalanda in ancient times - the golden era of Ayurveda. However, it suffered a setback during medieval period and more so during British rule in India. Fortunately, Ayurveda has received a new impetus after independence and is on its way to revival.

M R N Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital

M R N Ayurvedic Medical College is hospital-integrated modeled medical program in the Karnataka where clinical experience starts in the Beginning. Second year, third year and Final year students attend rounds at the most modern hospital in the Bagalkote, M R N Ayurvedic Medical Center. Our M R N Ayurvedic Medical College students are exposed to patients of all age groups. In addition, students practice history taking and physical examinations with patients at our campus.
The college building includes a spacious and well-equipped library, anatomy dissection theater, physiology lab, staff-rooms, and conference, exam hall & lecture halls. The institution has facilities for education through computers, multimedia and the Internet, which will ensure high-quality and up-to-date education in ayurveda.

Books Section

Our library spreading about 1800 sq. ft. lodges more than 8100 volumes of books on Ayurveda and modern medicines. These include some very famous books on Basic Principles, Sushrut, Dravya Gun Vigyan, Ras-Shastra, Chikitsa, Prasooti Vigyan, Bal Roga, Shalya Vigyan, Shalakya Vigyan, Sharir Rachna, Sharir Kriya, Swasth Vrit, Agad Tantra. The library is open for students till 7.00 P.M. Facilities for xeroxing the books is also available for the student. Students can also make use of Well established Digital Library Well equipped Digital library for U G and P G students for online viewing and research works in Ayurveda and Modern sciences. spreading about 2300 sq ft. and internet facilities are provided to them within the campus.

Newspapers and Magazine Section

We have subscribed newspapers and 24 different Magazines/Periodicals covering the fields of medicines, sports, yoga, general knowledge and personality development. Dictionaries as well as 14 volumes of Encyclopedias are also available for staff & students.

Sitting Arrangement – There is sitting arrangement of about 100 students and  staff members at a time. Library Timings 10-00 A.M. to 7-00 P.M

Our library staff includes – 1 Librarian , 1 Assistant Librarian and 1 Peon

AUDIO-VISUAL AIDS : The Seminar hall has LCD projector/slide projector/over head projector/models for making learning easier and interesting in different subjects like Anatomy, Physiology Dravyagun, Ras-shastra, Surgery, Panchkarma and Pathology.

THE DEPT.OF RACHANA SHARIR : has ample facilities for dissection of dead bodies in its dissection hall with attached preservation room etc.

THE DEPT.OF RACHANA SHARIR :Our college has one of the best anatomy museum which includes all specimens of human body, Bones, fetal developmental stages from 1 week 1o 9 month and also having a number of models, slides, charts & photographs on the subject.

Digital Library Well equipped Digital library for U G and P G students for online viewing and research works in Ayurveda and Modern sciences. spreading about 2300 sq ft. and internet facilities are provided to them within the campus